On a very sunny Sunday afternoon we came together in Sheila’s Buikdanscentrum in the beautiful city Zutphen for the first Shimmy Shake Talent Search of 2019! An hour before the show, some people were joking that it was a waste of this beautiful day to be inside dancing but when the show started, we wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but inside the dance studio. Audience and dancers alike were surprised by the broad variety of the dancers this afternoon. From traditional Indian Dance to fusion burlesque and even a kind of Hip-Hop dance battle.
The show began with a guest performance by the Madhoerie Dance Company, an Indian dance company active in the Netherlands and Suriname with Aartie Jagmohan as their artistic director. They treated us with a traditional Bharata Natyam choreography.

Aartie was a member of the expert panel for this Zutphen Talent Search. The next two members of the panel, Leana and Angela also performed for us. While Leana’s choreography was energetic, enthusiastic and she had a beautiful broad smile on her face the whole time, Angela had a seductive and intimate choreography. The expert panel was completed by Senta Schuijers-Lauterslager and Gail.

Then it was time for the first talents of the afternoon. Fanneke and Mieke surprised with an explosive samba fusion. They convinced the jury with their interesting fusion choreography and individual styles.

The next performance was by some familiar faces. Last time we saw them the Shimmy Sisters blew the audience and panel away with their fierce burlesque fusion, but this year they changed their course 180 degrees and performed a Modern Bollywood Fusion. A bold choice they regretted a little when they heard they were going to perform for a professional Indian dance and dance teacher, but they really put it off!

After a small break, the afternoon continued with a guest performance by the Bellygirlz, the kids group from Sheila’s dance school. These three young girls did a terrific job! Making the panel wish there were more kids like them who are so talented already at a young age and willing to perform for an audience.

Probably the most recently formed group presenting for the panel was the El Yasmine Dance Group, who expanded their dance group with a fifth dancer just this last November. They did a flirty choreography to the 1940’s classic Rum and Coca Cola. The panel praised their exuberant dancing with a lot of individual touches.

Then it was the turn for the ever-versatile Kathleen. After her funny and extravert ‘Farm Fusion’ from last year, she did an introvert yet powerful flamenco fusion this year. For which she received a lot of appreciation for the expert panel and the public. Once again, she surprised everyone by going in a complete other direction and doing it so well!

The show rounded off with a guest performance by the Thriller Dance Company short TDC. TDC is a group of three dancers with, as they describe it themselves, a minor handicap. But that didn’t stop them from creating a daring performance which reminded the panel of a dance battle. The King of Pop (they danced to Micheal Jacksons’ Bad) would have been proud.

Do you want to show your skills to our expert panel, receive constructive feedback and possible get coached? You can still sign up for this year's Talent Search in Rotterdam, Eindhoven, or Groningen!