Shimmy Shake Community
Do you want to become a member of the Shimmy Shake Community? Awesome! Click here to read more about joining the community.
(Inter)national Partnerships
Shimmy Shake Ambassadors
Dayenne Dijkland

Joyce Benschop



Related Dancers and Choreographers
Aartie Jagmohan




Shimmy Shake Supporters
Dancers, teachers and festival organizers we work with:
Adriaan Kasteleijn, Anasma, Aziza, Elvira van Bochove, Esther Nederpelt, Felicitas Kle, Gonda Vrielink, Hilde Cannoodt, Jasmine Brandes, Jolijn Calle, Karen Wesselink, Leo Orchidaceae, Lotte, Mena Leila, Nelson Rodriguez, Olga Meos, Patricia Zarnicovan, Piet Rogie, Piny Orchidaceae, Sam Emmanuel.
A selection of the international teachers and dancers who we have worked with in the last 5 years include:
Sharon Kihara, Kari from Unmata, Kami Liddle and Ashley Lopez from the USA, Piny and Leo Orchidacae from Portugal, Anasma, Samantha Emmanuel/Vagabond Princess and Haza from France, Caterina Grimaldi from Italy and Morgana and Mar Gonzalvez from Spain, Alexis Southall and Hilde Canoodt from the UK, Olga Meos from Kazakhstan, Natasha Korotkina from the Ukraine, Eliana Hofmann, Swey Efe, Diana Dance, The Glass Eaters and Mareike Dance from Germany and Nakari Tribe from Austria.