Join us for the Talent Carnival Online Festival Experience
It is time, it is here: The Shimmy Shake Talent Carnival Online Festival Experience! We are so excited to share this day with you. In a different form, in our own homes, but connected in our shared experience <3
Today you can enjoy workshops, some shopping on our bazaar, join the open stage and of course watch the premiere of the Talent Show together! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram an do not miss a thing. Lost track of everything you can do during the Talent Carnival, and where to find all the activities? No problem! On June 14th, we will keep this page updated with links to all the activities. Note: you may need an account to view our messages on Facebook and Instagram.
We are so happy and honored for you to join us today. It is a special day for us, and we hope we succeeded in creating a special day for you too. ENJOY!

On Saturday, June 13th we kicked off the Talent Carnival early with a burlesque fusion workshop by Eliana Hofmann!
Eliana is known as a versatile, expressive dance artist and an inspiring and dedicated teacher, living in Germany. She is one of Europe’s top Tribal Fusion dancers having performed many times in the famous Belly Dance Evolution Tours. We are so happy to have Eliana as part of the Online Talent Carnival, after many earlier projects together.
Join Eliana for this Burlesque Fusion workshop. An energizing and bit cheeky workshop with a lot of shimmies! Marco Hofmann provides live music on the piano, made especially for this workshop. For us! YEAH!
12:30 Official Talent Carnival Opening by Team Shimmy Shake
12:30 Start Online bazaar
12:40 Power and Energy Yoga session by Sulayca
13:00 + 14:00 Open Stage Sharing Session in Stories
You too can share your skills during the Talent Carnival Online Festival Experience! Join us for the Instagram Open Stage.
How does it work? Film yourself performing, this may be an entire performance or just a minute of a song. Whatever you like! Share your performance during the Talent Carnival weekend (Saturday, June 13th or Sunday, June 14th) on Instagram using the hashtag #ShimmyShakeOpenStage. You can join from all over the world!
At 13:00 and 14:00 we will look at all the videos contributed and share some of them in our Instagram and Facebook stories.
Want to see all the other dancers perform? Make sure to follow #ShimmyShakeOpenStage on Instagram to see all the shared performances. All dance styles welcome!
You need a Facebook or Instagram account to be able to watch stories
13:40 Workshop ITS door Alexis Southall
14:40 Workshop Flow by Kira Habibi Lal
15:00 Premiere Talent Show with the 10 coached talents and several guest appearances
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, Iris was not able to travel from Germany to Rotterdam to tape her performance for the Talent Show. Such a pity as she worked so hard on her performance. That is why she still performed for us from home! Check out her amazing capoeira fusion.
16:15 Afterparty hosted by Greenstone Bellydance
The afterparty is only accessible by a link. Do you want to join us? Please sign up below. Everybody who signed up will receive a link to the Zoom afterparty tomorrow, a view minutes before we start. Sign up closes June 14th at 15:30 so do not wait too long to sign up.