Last night, the Dutch Government presented new measures to slow down the coronavirus outbreak in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, these new measures make it impossible for us to organise our Talent Search as we are used to. But we will not let us be slowed down by a stupid (BUT VERY SERIOUS!!) virus. That’s why the Talent Search goes digital!

We have been looking forward to your performances for weeks now! And this year, you were more enthusiastic then ever! We never received this many sign-ups for the Talent Search before. So, we will go on in the following, digital form:
For solos and duets
- You can still sign up for one of the remaining Talent Search days (April 19th, April 26th & May 3rd)
- Record your performance (duets, keep a 1,5-meter distance between the two of you, we will understand why) and sent the video to Sarah. She will contact you after you sign up, but keep in mind that we would like to receive your video around 10 days before the Talent Search afternoon you signed-up for.
- The expert panel will prepare feedback after receiving your video from Sarah
- On the Talent Search day of your choice, you will be invited for a personal, online feedback session of around 20 minutes with the expert panel. They will provide feedback on your performance and give you tips to develop your work. It is also possible to ask questions.
- You can still apply for coaching! After the last Talent Search session on May 3rd, if chosen, you receive an e-mail with info about your individual coaching.
For groups
- You can still sign up for one of the remaining Talent Search days (April 19th, April 26th & May 3rd)
- During this coronavirus outbreak, we do not want groups to get together and film their performance together. Sent us the most recent video of you performing (no older than 2019) and we will sent this video to the panel for feedback.
- On the Talent Search day of your choice, you will be invited for a personal, online feedback session of around 20 minutes with the expert panel. They will provide feedback on your performance and give you tips to develop your work. It is also possible to ask questions.
- Because of the coronavirus restrictions, it is impossible for groups to receive coaching at this time. We hope you can understand this. Instead, the expert panel will select one or two groups who will get a spot in the show during the Talent Carnival on June 7th. Groups do still have a chance for NEXT LEVEL coaching, as do all acts who perform during the Talent Show.
As a solo or duet you can still apply for coaching (Talent Development or Choosing Fusion). If chosen, you will receive two individual coaching sessions of 90 minutes in the studio or home of the appointed coach. During these sessions you will keep a 1,5-meter distance and you do not meet up if one of you is ill. It is also possible to do these coaching sessions online. This is a choice between you and your coach. Your film clip and the feedback your received form the base for these sessions.
There will be enough time between sessions to practice with the instructions from your coach. You last coaching session must be at least one week before the Talent Carnival on June 7th.
The Talent Carnival in June
Just to be sure, we pushed the Talent Carnival a week ahead to June 14th. Apart from the date, the Talent Carnival will continue as planned in Theater ‘t Kapelletje in Rotterdam. The Talent Show with all the coached acts will be performed twice during this day. We really do hope, after all these weeks in social isolation, the coronavirus outbreak will be under control enough for us to celebrate together.
But, because these are still really uncertain times, we will wait with selling the tickets until we are 100% sure the day will not be cancelled.
We hope we have informed you well about the online continuation of the Talent Search. If you do have any questions, please reach out to Sarah via We are looking forward to meet each of you online!
In the meantime: keep a distance, stay home and stay safe <3