It is there, anticipation is in the air. It is time for Shimmy Shake Festival! Did you already have your days planned and tickets booked? Yes? Great! No? No worries, in this article we will tell you everything you can do on Saturday November 9th during the Shimmy Shake Festival.
Want to know what to do on Sunday November 10th? Check it here!

Start your day easy and relaxed
After a good night rest (or a night of fun with your new friends, you met during Rotterdam Rocks) we start Festival Saturday relaxed with a yoga session by Sulayca Soijo! Sulayca is a yoga instructor, but also teaches tribal fusion bellydance and performs with her amazing group Holy Pie. Sulayca is the perfect teacher for the Shimmy Shake Saturday Morning Yoga Session. The yoga session starts at 11 o’clock and is free to join.
Ater this session you will be relaxed, but also stretched, warmed up and ready to get some work done!
Work on your dance technique
On Saturday, Shimmy Shake Festival offers different 2-hour workshops by some of the best international dance instructors, who are headlining our beautiful festival. An additional 2-hour workshop about Polynesian dance takes place on Sunday morning
We kick off at 12:00 with a Popping workshop by Urban Fusion dancer Leo Orchidaceae from Orchidaceae Dance Company. Leo performed in different Hip-Hop and Urban dancers’ formations and has travelled all over the world to perfection her skills. In her workshop you will work with the techniques and styles that usually are placed under the umbrella of ‘popping’ but are styles of their own. The workshops ends with creating a subtle and gentle but powerful and expressive movement, developing a stronger and sensitive connection with the music.

Those who are lucky to get a hold of a ticket for the workshops by Kira Habibi Lal and Patricia Zarnovican will work on their Serpentine Technique (Kira) or go back to the roots of classical Tribal with Patricia. Both of these workshops are fully sold out, but there is a waiting list. For more information, come to the ticket booth in the Funky Foyer during the festival.
Get Funky and lounge a little bit
Do not worry! Even if you are not participating in a 2-hour workshop, there is still plenty to do! Explore the Funky Foyer which offers the biggest bazaar to date. Enjoy the delicious vegan food by Veggie Galore, in the café placed on the first floor of the Foyer, looking out over all the amazing things happening below. Or roam around the different stalls filled with jewellery, bellydance gear and other wanna-haves. Want to know what stalls you can expect? We described them all in this article.
Time for some lounging? Lean back in the oriental lounge, have a drink an enjoy a great variety of performances on the Open Stage. There will be three blocks of performances, and we can already tell you who will be performing when! Check the line up here (halfway the article).

Get working again!
On Saturday, there are also two free dance workshops you can join! At 2 in the afternoon the awesome Adrijana Beumer will introduce us to the fusion of Balkan Folklore and Oriental. Gypsy vibes, togetherness, energy, footwork, pleasure and burning calories without you noticing, are all central to the folklore dances of the Balkans. Belly dancer Adrijana is of Serbian descent and has investigated how she can merge Middle Eastern dance with Balkan folk. Join us at 14:00 in the Foyer.
At half past four, the lovely Leana will introduce us to Bellyfit! Bellyfit is one of the hottest fitness trends this moment. Work on your condition, strength and flexibility with belly dance, fitness and yoga. All of this on some wonderfully stirring beats. Strong, Sexy, Sacred. Leana is a Bellyfit instructor, as well as Bellyfit instructor-instructor. Get your sweat flowing at 16:30 in the Foyer!
Gather together fashionista’s
Back for the second time, the bellydance fashion show! Just before the Shimmy Shake Gala Show, two designers show their most dazzling designs. Mar Gonzalez will show a variety of het Multi-Shape Designs. Perfect for dancing, yoga and even casual wear!
Newly introduced webshop Mata Hari Tribal debuts her collection during the Shimmy Shake Festival Fashion Show! Expect big skirts, pantaloons and beautiful scarfs. Tribal Fusion with some definite ATS influences. The designers created a beautiful show together, for you to enjoy (oh and, if you got greedy after seeing so much beautiful creations, the bazaar will be open at least until the start of the Gala Show).

Highlight of the Shimmy Shake Festival, the Gala Show
And then, it is finally time for the Shimmy Shake Gala Show with an amazing (inter)national line-up of top dancers! This year we welcome headliners Piny Orchidaceae, Kira Habibi Lal, Patricia Zarnovican and Leo Orchidaceae. Also shining in the Gala Show, Leocardia from Germany in a duet with Patricia especially for them in Japan. Special announcement: rising star and resident choreographer at Korzo Rutkay Özpinar, will dance especially for us a mix of Turkish folk, belly and modern.
Also performing, among others, are the always radiant Nargis, Maya Acid Performance Troupe with a new choreography and, from Groningen the breath-taking Leana and her group Arabesque! All this preceded by the inspiring 4 dance acts that have been coached in our program for advanced dancers - the Next Level. A feast for the eyes and ears!
You have until Friday afternoon to score your tickets for the Shimmy Shake Gala Show in the online pre-sale with a nice discount. Click here to get your tickets.
Look back together in the After Lounge
And like that, the curtain has fallen on another amazing Gala Show. Time to get together in the Foyer and have look back together on everything we just saw. This year, we welcome you to the Shimmy Shake After Lounge. Have a drink and a chat.
All of this under the delight of a band. The Balcony Players is an energetic Balkan Folk band, who will play a mix of Balkan and Oriental music for us. The perfect way to end another day.
You just read everything there is to do during the second day of the Shimmy Shake Festival. Want to know what you can do during the first day? Read it here! Can’t wait to know what you can do on Sunday? Check the entire festival program here.